Friday, 23 July 2010

Full Resolution tests - F200, F70 and a 400D

I had a little free time this afternoon so grabbed my cameras and headed into the garden for a few quick test photos.

Over the coming weeks I hope to test my F200 and F70 at all resolutions and EXR modes.

Now I am not Dpreview or Imaging Resource. I don't have access to any special test equipment and have only my cameras and computer and mark one eyeballs to judge a photos quality.  Please excuse the fact that these tests are not in any way scientific or technical.

I merely took the photo, viewed it at 100 per cent in Photoshop and took out a section.

Today I concentrated on full size resolution photos, meaning 12mp for the F200 and 10mp for the F70.
All shot at the following settings:

P mode, Large -4/3 size, fixed 100 iso, auto dynamic range, fine quality, no flash, Provia mode.

I also shot a few photos with my Canon 400D with Canon 18-55mm IS (at iso 100, fine 10mp) for comparison.

The light wasn't great as the weather was a mixture of sun and cloud.

I tried to show how the cameras compare at full resolution, even though shooting a Fuji EXR sensor at full rez isnt always the best option.

How did they compare ??

Canon 400D with 18-55mm IS.

Absolutely the best, clear sharp photos, no purple fringing, great definition, good colour balance and exposure.
Virtually no noise at all.

Fuji F200.

Surprisingly close to the 400D despite being a fraction of the size, weight and cost.
A little sharper than the F70 especially at wide angle.

Fuji F70.

I think this camera is sharper at telephoto than wide angle, but its still quite good even at 27mm.
It might be overall slightly less sharp than the others but the versatility is amazing.  27mm-270mm in a slim package that
fits in my pocket.

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