Tuesday 20 July 2010

Welcome to the Fuji F200 Review

Welcome to my blog about the Fuji F200 .

I'm an amateur photographer and a Fuji camera enthusiast and this blog aims to give me thoughts about the F200 and F70.

I've had a Fuji F30 for a couple of years and I love it.  The battery life is excellent, its well made with a metal case and a sharp lens, and the sensor is wonderful.

I always wished that the F30 had a wider or longer lens, a stabilised lens and sometimes even more resolution.

Well, the arrival of the F200 and F70 interested me and now that they are available as refurbished stock from Fuji UK, I decided to test the waters and order one, or err two.

I first bought a F200, loved it but then wondered about the F70 and its long long lens.
So I bought a F70 as well.

I travel a lot, and often wish for a superzoom.  Would I lose much quality with the F70 compared to the F200 ?

How would a F200 or F70 compare to a DSLR ?

This blog aims to find out.

I also have a Canon 400d and a couple of lens to compare my F200 and F70 against.

In the next few weeks I will test the F70 and F200 against each other and also against my 400d to discover the truth !

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